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SEP is a macro-economic variables-based credit score, that uses relevant variables from a wide array of public data sources, to help provide a socio-economic context based on a borrower’s residential location.
SEP enables lenders to look at India as ~13 million micro-markets, as opposed to the traditional Tier 1/2/3/4 lens.

Socio-Economic Profile credit score

New-to-credit (NTC) borrowers are increasingly becoming a large target market for both, the organized (retail) and the unorganized sector (msme). Hence, there is an ever-increasing need for leveraging alternate data for credit evaluation especially for products which have a large first-time borrower composition (viz. CD, 2W, CV Loans, Affordable Housing, PayDay Loans, Merchant Loans, Micro Business Loans, MFI Loans etc.) where conventional data is relatively weak.

SEP is a macro-economic variables-based credit score, that uses relevant variables from a wide array of public data sources, to help provide a socio-economic context based on a borrower’s residential location.

Features & Benefits

SEP enables lenders to look at India as ~13 million micro-markets, as opposed to the traditional Tier 1/2/3/4 lens. It can also help make more informed and calibrated market expansion decisions using their portfolio behaviour as the anchor. It can highlight progression / regression trends which, in turn, could even serve as early warning signals for Collections.

Real-time dpd predictability

Get real-time dpd predictability score at an individual application level

Reduce portfolio delinquency

sweep-out risky approvals

Book more business

sweep-in less risky rejects

Sustainable market expansion

through geographic micro-segmentation

No PII required

No Personal Identifiable Information (PII) required

Large coverage

Pan-India coverage

Unfettered access

macro-economic, public data

API based

Available as an API-based service akin to a credit bureau score

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